Interview with Iveta Takácsová

During the two months of the NAIVA BRATISLAVA online 2020 exhibition, visitors were able to vote for the picture of their heart. The winner of the PUBLIC AWARD is Slovak artist Iveta Takácsová. We asked her a few questions about her and her artworks.

What was your path to art?
I liked to draw, paint, create as a child. I graduated in the Folk art school in Rožňava, my teacher was the painter Štefan Oravec from Dobšina. At the age of 18, I received the first oil paints from my parents and a beautiful book Creativity, Shape, Color, which I still have. I was so interested in fine art that after graduating from High school in Levoča I tried to get to University in Bratislava. But I was unfortunately not accepted, so I developed my love for fine arts only as an amateur. Sometimes I paint something just for family, acquaintances, collegues. As a teacher in the kindergarden I tried to find and develop artistic talent in children by participating in children art competitions, often successfully. I started to devote myself more intensively to my own work a few years ago. In 2017, I was given the opportunity to realize myself in the preparation of the Escape room in Košice. I also paint on textile, I present part of my work on the IVETart Facebook page. I am very glad that I had the opportunity to present my work in the international naive art exhibition NAIVA BRATISLAVA online 2020 organized by you. I am very happy that I won the PUBLIC AWARD.
How do you perceive naive art?
I have always liked naive art from Kovačica. This art attracts me with artistic purity, color dynamics, story, cordiality and spontaneity in expression. Naive painters are distinctive, with their own artistic style, and I like that.

Do you have a favorite theme in your artwork?
I like to go back in my childhood memories. I like folk culture, traditions, legends, folk costume. All this is our heritage and it currently inspires me.
Where can we see more of your artworks? Whether online or live.
I present part of my artworks on the Facebook page IVETart.

Do you have any advice for those who would like to try painting?
"Art is the highest joy that man gives to himself" (Karl Marx). So why not make yourself
happy. You can discover a talent, you can start anytime, anywhere, so you need to take courage, find the time and try it.
Photo: Iveta Takácsová and her archive
Interview: NAIVA BRATISLAVA and Iveta Takácsová
Free translation in to English language: NAIVA BRATISLAVA